Last modified: 2009-03-07 by alex danes
Keywords: partidul noua generaţie - creştin democrat |
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The PNG-CD (Partidul Noua Generaţie - Creştin Democrat = New Generation
Party - Christian Democrat) is a small right-wing party without parliamentary
The symbol is described in article 1 of the statute []:
"Semnul permanent al partidului este format dintr-un ansamblu care cuprinde o stea în opt colţuri având conturul albastru închis, în interiorul căreia se află denumirea prescurtată a partidului, PNG-CD, înconjurată de 12 steluţe aurii, pe un fond albastru deschis. Culorile cu care se identifică partidul sunt albastru şi auriu."My translation:
The permanent symbol of the party is formed by an ensemble containing an eight-pointed star having a dark blue contour-line, in the interior of which there is the abbreviated name of the party, PNG-CD, encircled by 12 golden stars, on a light blue field. The colours for the identification of the party are blue and golden.)
Unfortunately, I do not have any knowledge about the party flag.
Marcus E.V. Schmöger, 16 January 2007
The party contested the 2008 parliamentary elections and reached 2.27%
(Chamber of Deputies) and 2.53% (Senate) of the votes, therefore failing
to get any seats in the two parliamentary chambers.
The symbol is described above comes in a number of versions, at least on flags. I
have found four versions of the party flag, two of them green, the other
two being white:
image by
Marcus Schmöger, 22 January 2009
First version: This seems to be the current main version. It is green, shows the party symbol (in white, blue and yellow) under the white inscription of the party name1 2 3 4.
image by
Marcus Schmöger, 22 January 2009
Second version: This version seems to be an indoor flag, showing the whole symbol only in white outline on a green background5.
image by
Marcus Schmöger, 22 January 2009
Third version: This one is white and shows the party symbol (in white, blue and yellow) under the blue inscription of the party name6.
image by
Marcus Schmöger, 22 January 2009
Fourth version: This one is also white and shows the party symbol (in
white, blue and yellow) under the blue inscription of the party name;
ath the bottom there is the additional inscription: "În slujba Crucii şi
a Neamului Românesc" (In the service of the Cross and the Romanian
1. The flag of the New Generation
Party - Christian Democrat
2. The flag of the New Generation
Party - Christian Democrat
3. The flag of the New Generation
Party - Christian Democrat
4. The flag of the New Generation
Party - Christian Democrat
5. The flag of the New Generation
Party - Christian Democrat
6. The flag of the New Generation
Party - Christian Democrat
7. The flag of the New Generation
Party - Christian Democrat
Marcus E.V. Schmöger, 22 January 2009
I believe the third flag is the same as the fourth, because the image6 doesn't show the lower part of the cloth. Drawing a conclusion without seing the entire flag seems a bit hasty to me.
Alex Danes, 6 March 2009